A World Of Pure Imagination


Hello hungry humans of the internet! My name is Meghan Mundt, and I have recently undergone a large change in my life. I left for college and every day I am exploring the world of Newark, Delaware that I now call home. As any college freshman would, I had concerns and fears. Will I make friends? Will I do well in class? How is the food!? Well folks, I am now coming up to my sixth month at the University of Delaware, and I can tell you that the food is pretty good!…. if you want to gain 15 lbs (yes the freshman 15 is real). Luckily for you all, I have done extensive research on my part (and extensive work in the gym) so that you can avoid this monstrosity whilst enjoying the delicious food on campus. I will be telling you all the great spots on campus to eat without breaking the bank and your belt.

I wanted to start off with my favorite sweet spot. One thing you should know about me is that I have a very large somewhat monstrous sweet-tooth. Luckily, there are many healthy ways to eat sugar and carbs, Playa Bowls, being one. I remember driving down Main St. for the first time and being so excited that my hometown “fruitery” had made its way from New Jersey to Delaware. If you are not familiar with Playa Bowls, they are a chain of smoothie bowl restaurants that originated in Belmar, New Jersey, right on the beach. They use the freshest ingredients to make a sweet and healthy snack ranging from smoothie bowls to smoothies and chia puddings. I knew I had to make this a regular spot, and I did. Luckily, I even made a best friend who worked at Playa Bowls. My friend Jose and I had Playa for lunch every Tuesday last semester, and I always got the same thing. The cheapest item on the menu happens to be what I love the most. For $9, you can order the 8th Ave., an acai based bowl topped with granola, sliced banana and honey, however I replace honey for peanut butter. This averages about 450 calories, and tastes delicious. A milkshake at the same volume would be over 1200 calories, so don’t feel bad if you think your Playa addiction is unhealthy! Acai is a super-food full of antioxidants, fiber, heart-healthy fats, and calcium. It also fights against heart disease, aids in weight loss, eases arthritis, lowers cholesterol, and is anti-aging.

In conclusion, I would rate the 8th Ave. bowl a 9/10. It is relatively inexpensive for a lot of fruit, tastes great, and has great benefits. It may even bring you a new friend!

Song of the Day!