It All Comes Full Circle

Hello again hungry humans of the Internet! I am back with another great review! As my year comes to a close, I was thinking about how much has changed in just a short period of time. I remember sitting at home just wondering where my future would take me, and it is just crazy to think about all of the choices we made and the things we did that led us to where we are now. Everything you do is significant, so make them count because life goes by so fast. Even this year went flying by.

The very first time I visited the University of Delaware, my family and I went to an Italian restaurant my mom found called Taverna. Their food is out of this world, and everything is homemade from the bread to the dessert. When I walk into that restaurant I just feel a sense of home; the tables are long dining room table under a chandelier, and the food makes you think that your grandma made it for you. Taverna is very expensive, so I have only been for larger occasions which also makes the restaurant that much more special. I went to Taverna on the first day I moved into college as well as for my birthday dinner. I never indulge by eating pasta, but when you come to Taverna you have to. I have tried many of the other dishes my friends and family has ordered in the past, but I always get the same thing. The Chicken Taverna is my favorite dish that they offer. It features breaded chicken with capers, lemon, white wine, and cappellini pasta for $24. I prefer lemon and white wine sauces to a red sauce, and Taverna’s white wine sauce is perfect. I would recommend this dish to anyone.

Although Taverna is not a typical college dinner hot spot, their restaurant is perfect for special occasions. It is nice to feel like you have a little piece of home once and a while. I think it deserves a 9.5/10.

Additionally, I would like to rate my year. I know I haven’t shared much of my year besides the food I have been eating, but reflection is important. I didn’t know what was in store for me when I first moved into college. Life definitely changed in a lot of ways, and it was hard to adjust to that change. However, at some point the new change just becomes life, and you forget what life was like before now. My advice to anyone going to college or going through a large change in their life is to embrace it because looking back it is really fulfilling to see all of the changes I have gone through. Growing is awesome, so don’t resist it.

Song of the Day!

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