It’s a Celebration

Hello again hungry humans of the Internet! I am back with another food review! May is my favorite month of the year; it’s when the world is blooming again and the sense of hope and happiness is in the air. It also happens to be my birthday month! My birthday is May 1st, and I had a great day with my friends and family! My family surprised me the Sunday before at a parents brunch for my sorority, and I was shook!

my parents and I

To continue the festivities, I wanted to go to a spot on Main St. Newark I never tried before. Newark Nutrition is a small store that has over 40 different protein shakes as well as tea and coffee. I love protein shakes as a fast and low calorie lunch, and I was dying to try their delicious flavors. My roommate and I each got a shake for only $6 a piece. I got the fluffernutter shake with peanut butter and marshmallow whey protein power, and my roommate got the banana nut bread shake with banana bread flavored whey protein powder. These shakes are sooo delicious!!! Each shake is under 200 calories with 17 g of protein and 21 vitamins as well as some shakes containing added fruit or powdered peanut butter.

Newark Nutrition claims that their protein shakes help you lose weight, but few people know that it is because their shake base contain laxatives. Some people can be turned off by this, but I do not mind because they do not bother my stomach, keep me full, and taste delicious! I went back the following day to order the cookie monster shake which did not disappoint either.

so good!

Overall I give my birthday a 10/10! My friends are the best and I had a great time with my family. Newark Nutrition also gets a 10/10 too 🙂

Birthday Song of the Day!

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