Spring Break Baby!

Hello again hungry humans of the Internet! I am back with another great review. I am currently on spring break this week, and instead of going away for spring break my family and I went to an Ariana Grande concert. Her voice is perfect even live; I was in shock at how good she was.

The day after the concert my family and I ate at the Sugar Factory for the first time. If you’ve never heard of the Sugar Factory before it is a restaurant known for their sweet creations and epic smoking goblet drinks. There are multiple restaurants across the country, and many celebrities have appearances at them.

I decided that for spring break I would be on a health kick, so I didn’t get a crazy sweet dish. Instead, I got a bacon avocado turkey club; not the most exciting food choice but still delicious. My family however indulged. My sister got a berries and cream waffle with a huge peanut butter milkshake. My dad got a chocolate chip cappuccino with an apple pie crepe, and my mom got a mac n cheese burger. I was so jealous. I did though have to try one of the goblet drinks. I got the watermelon raspberry mojito, but it ended up being mainly the soda version of a sour patch watermelon. It was so sweet, but it was an experience. My dad was not happy that the experience cost $25 though!


I definitely recommend the Sugar Factory as a have to try at least once experience. It is DEFINITELY not for anyone on a diet, but I enjoyed it a lot! 7/10 for me.

Song of the Day!

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